Eastern Astrology in Eorzea
Interested in free astrology readings and discovering what the stars have in store for you?Location: Lavender Beds Ward 30, Plot 6, Tonberry
For bookings and info, contact:
Kada Katzenberg@Tonberry
Kadamode on Discord
@KadaKatzen on Twitter/X
How It Works
Luck is nothing more than the culmination of our decisions.Whether it's good fortune or otherwise, your life is determined by the choices you make. Good choices makes for a good life, bad choices create bad outcomes. Your decision-making, however, is impacted by a number of factors; this includes your background, your education, the people you're with and your circumstances.Underneath it all lies your default state at birth, free from all these influences. Based on this inner nature, your "default setting" can tell you why and how you are where you are now, as well as where you are going next. This is what we offer here.What I practice is Eastern Astrology. As such, it is a based on the laws of Yin & Yang as well as the Five Elements cycle (Wǔ Xíng 五行); namely Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. By understanding the imprint of your personal energy that is present during your time of birth, your destiny will be revealed.
1. General Reading - Free of Charge (1)
Enjoy a 15 minute session where you will receive a general reading that is inclusive of, but not limited to:1. Your Fundamental Nature
2. How You Operate In Life
3. Your Greatest Potential & Talent
4. Best Way for Wealth & Career
5. Cursory Health Outlook
6. Love & Relationship Analysis
7. Things to Take Note Of & What You Can Do
8. Q&A Session (2)(1) - This service is completely free, no pressure. However, tips are welcomed and encouraged.(2) - Subject to status of waiting list. During peak hours, you may ask only 3 questions per session for the benefit of others in the queue.
2. One-on-One Deep Dive Session - 1,000,000 Gil
This is a premium session that covers not only all of the above, but a deep dive into each and every aspect. In short, it's a session where you'll find out how to get whatever you want with whatever you have.As this service may take from 1 hour up to 5 hours, please notify me in advance for early booking.Booking Contact:
Kadamode (Discord)
@Kadakatzen (Twitter/X)
3. 2025 Outlook - 300,000 Gil
Want to know what you can expect in 2025? Here's a sneak-peek on what's in store for you in the coming year and what you can do to prepare accordingly.
4. Forecasts & Divinations - 300,000 Gil
Forecast - Having trouble with a decision? Here's your chance to have a bird's eye view of your worries. You'll receive a full analysis of the different variables you have at hand as well as the correct course of action.Divination - If you're feeling lost and lacking in clarity, then this is for you. Let the universe guide you by showing the way to overcome your current circumstances and how things will play out in the near future.
5. Compatibility Readings - 250,000 Gil per personCome alone or with a partner. Here, we will see how compatible you are with that special someone. Discover the right actions to unlock your inner charisma, find love and strengthen your bond.
I. Is this roleplay?
It can be, if you want it to be. What I practice is still authentic Eastern astrology that has a rich real-life history that spans thousands of years.II. What do I need to do?
Here's a step-by-step guide:
1. Come on over to Lavender Beds Ward 6 Plot 30 @ Tonberry or send a /tell to Kada Katzenberg in advance.2. Prepare your date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY). Year is compulsory. Hour of birth and real-life birth gender are optional (more details can be revealed and a rough estimation on the time of birth is okay).3. If it's a walk-in session, take a number from the staff member on duty and be ushered in for the reading when your turn comes.4. Once your session is done, please enter the house to leave your honest review in the message book inside.III. Can I have the reading in private?
Absolutely. You can form a party with me or talk in /tell to hear about your reading in full privacy.IV. Is it bad luck to do these kinds of readings?
Not at all. Again, these readings are fundamentally based on Yin & Yang. In layman's terms, it is the law of cause and effect. For an effect to occur, for good or ill, a cause is required. Whatever challenges or opportunities are found in your birth chart, the human factor is still required to make them happen.V. I heard that I absolutely must pay to have a reading, is this true?
For the general reading, this service is completely free. What's the catch? I practice astrology in real life. What I do here in Final Fantasy XIV is considered practice to me. So, for you to give me the opportunity to read your chart is payment enough for me to keep my skills sharp. But again, feel free to give your tip in whatever amount or form.If you have any further questions about astrology, the services provided or anything else, don't hesitate to contact me by sending a /tell to Kada Katzenberg@Tonberry, or the other avenues mentioned on the homepage.